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terça-feira, 4 de janeiro de 2011

Crime, Mídia, Cultura

Disponível na web o volume 06, número 03, dezembro de 2010, da Revista Crime Media Culture, coordenada por Jeff Ferrell (aqui).
Dentre os artigos, destaco:
Enron's perp walk: Status degradation ceremonies as narrativeGray Cavender, Kishonna Gray, Kenneth W. Miller.
Stanley Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange as art against torture Carolyn Strange.
'Trying to reach the future through the past': Murals and memory in Northern IrelandBill Rolston.
Young people and police series: A multicultural television audience studyJoost De Bruin.
The Code of Harry: Performing normativity in DexterWilliam Ryan Force.

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